The Drain The Swamp Law
Proposed as federal legislation, 28-June-2020
-Jeff Evarts
Hereafter, we define a "union" as an organization which has the primary purpose of negotiating, often via performing, organizing, or promoting collective bargaining, but also by other means, with employers on behalf of their membership. Specifically included are any organizations whose dues are mandatory for such employees, or which give their membership preferred access to employment with said employer.
Herafter, we define a "public sector union" as a union which: a) has a membership primarily of those who are paid, directly or indirectly, from public funds including but not limited to: government employees, government contractors, employees of government contractors, preferred service providers such as pre-approved service provides or their employees, or b) a union financially supported primarily by such entities.
Organizations, not having a constitutional freedom of speech, are constrained thus: No public sector union nor any of its officers speaking in an official capacity, shall direct or encourage its members to cast their vote for or against, financially support nor deny financial support to, any candidate for a public office. An organization violating this law shall forfeit up to 100% of their tangible and intellectual (Servicemark, Trademark, etc) assets for any violation.
A clear conflict of interest existing between campaign financing for public officeholders and public sector unions being manifest, no candidate for any public office shall receive funds or similar support, directly or indirectly, from any public sector union. Each candidate for public office shall be held personally but not necessarily exclusively responsible for compliance with this law. Individuals violating this law may be removed from candidacy and/or forfeit of all public funds paid during all terms of office subsequent to the violation as well as fines of up to 20% of their property and up to 10 years in prison.