Sunday, June 28, 2020

Drain the Swamp

The Drain The Swamp Law

Proposed as federal legislation,  28-June-2020
-Jeff Evarts
Hereafter, we define a  "union" as an organization which has the primary purpose of negotiating, often via performing, organizing, or promoting collective bargaining, but also by other means, with employers on behalf of their membership. Specifically included are any organizations whose dues are mandatory for such employees, or which give their membership  preferred access to employment with said employer.
Herafter, we define a "public sector union" as a union which: a) has a membership primarily of those who are paid, directly or indirectly, from public funds including but not limited to: government employees, government contractors, employees of government contractors, preferred service providers such as pre-approved service provides or their employees, or b) a union financially supported primarily by such entities.
Organizations, not having a constitutional freedom of speech, are constrained thus:  No public sector union nor any of its officers speaking in an official capacity, shall direct or encourage its members to cast their vote for or against, financially support nor deny financial support to, any candidate for a public office. An organization violating this law shall forfeit up to 100% of their tangible and intellectual (Servicemark, Trademark, etc) assets for any violation.
A clear conflict of interest existing between campaign financing for public officeholders and public sector unions being manifest, no candidate for any public office shall receive funds or similar support, directly or indirectly, from any public sector union. Each candidate  for public office shall be held personally but not necessarily exclusively responsible for compliance with this law. Individuals violating this law may be removed from candidacy and/or forfeit of all public funds paid during all terms of office subsequent to the violation as well as fines of up to 20% of their property and up to 10 years in prison.


Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A multiple-choice question for fans of Obamacare/MedicareForAll

Are you hoping Public Health Care turns out like our:
  1. Public Childcare (Foster care)
  2. Public Unemployment (Welfare)
  3. Public Retirement (Social Security)
  4. Public Housing ("The Projects")
  5. Public Schools, or
  6. Public Post
Please consider:
  1. The inceptors, creators, supporters, and employees of each of the above systems will happily tell you: We just need more money and we could do wonders!
  2. The citizenry of the USA show a historically consistent marked unwillingness  to fund large social projects like these to the point where they work as intended, and for that single reason each of the above has become a bottomless money pit that consistently shows up on candidates' Debt and Governmental Waste talking points.
Can you confidently justify starting a similar project at the positively gargantuan scale of Public Health (one SIXTH of our ENTIRE NATIONAL ECONOMY is spent here) and the vast expenditures that just starting it will require based on your faith that
"This time it will be different."

Northern California's blackout: How did we get here?

A little history:

California in the 80s:
  1. California resolves: you must have insurance to drive on the road
  2. Totally Unexpected Effect: Insurance rates skyrocket, because the consumers MUST buy.
  3. California's resolves: You can't charge more than $X/month for driver's insurance.
  4. Totally Unexpected Effect: Insurance companies drop everyone who costs them more than $X/year in payouts
  5. California resolves: If you sell ANY car insurance in California, you must sell it to some more people that cost MORE than $X/year for only $X/year
  6. Totally Unexpected Effect: Insurance companies all over California stop selling car insurance at all, since it's a guaranteed money loser.
  7. California resolves: If you sell insurance OF ANY KIND in California, you must also sell car insurance.
  8. Totally Unexpected Effect: Large, high margin, highly profitable insurance companies sell all kinds of insurance at giant markups and subsidize their mandated losses on car insurance. All other insurance companies leave the state.
  9. California resolves: The fact that everyone on the roads is insured is a fine tradeoff for the job losses, commercial losses, tax losses, and exorbitant rates on insurance that isn't car insurance.
California in the 90s:
California resolves to privatize its utilities to reduce corruption and waste, and put the free market and profit motive in place as a controlling force. Surprisingly, it mostly works. Utilities make a profit, and invest in limited-but-efficient infrastructure.

California in the 2000s
  1. California resolves: Its public utilities' profit margins and "war chests" of emergency cash are "too big", and should be capped, with overages going directly to the state as tax payments.
  2. Totally Unexpected Effect: California's tax income goes up, and the value of the utilities is largely destroyed.
  3. California resolves: Its public utilities should be held to account for the effects of their business operations, just like anyone else, even though their financial hands are tied behind their backs in terms of risk management.
  4. Totally Unexpected Effect: There's no longer any point in carrying insurance against these (statistically certain) events, because any such event will bankrupt the company regardless of any insurance they can afford to buy. They know it is a statistical certainty that an error will be made somewhere, by someone, and they will get sued into bankruptcy.
  5. Totally Unexpected Event: A mistake is made and a utility is sued into bankruptcy.
  6. California resolves: These for-profit utilities must be taken from the "irresponsible profit-mongers" and again placed "safely" under the state's management, where efficiency and waste will no longer be of any (misplaced) concern.
Yeah, this is gonna work great.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Eclipse, six years later: Better! And yet worse!

Six years ago I wrote a piece on the importance of bootstrapping when it came to establishing a professional community. I used an unfortunate glitch in the tutorial segment of the Eclipse graphical development environment which stopped me dead in my tracks and caused me to go another way.

Just this last month, I noticed that Eclipse was nearly ubiquitous amongst the amature/semipro OpenGL and LWJGL community on Youtube. Since I wanted to do some similar development, I gave eclipse another look. My first step? Same as everyone else in the Linux world, I expect.

jde@desktop ~ $ sudo apt-get install eclipse
jde@desktop ~ $ eclipse

And it was great. I had it installed in under 5 minutes, and had done both of the java  Hello World programs (text and graphics) successfully in 10 minutes. Worlds better.

But here I am, four days later, doing no work with Eclipse.

Why? In order to do modern java work, I need a version of Eclipse with a newer compiler.

But I just installed the latest package! Wrong. The version of eclipse I have is Juno, released in June 2012. The latest is Oxygen, released in June 2017.

So why is Eclipse, an organization with one foot in Linux and the other in Windows, five years behind in releasing its software? Turns out, in their opinion, they're not behind. They just don't do that "Linux package thing" anymore.

As one senior guy in the Eclipse forums put it:
If someone or some organization funds the development of a specialized Linux-based installer, then there would be one
Instead, they have a shiny new installation technology called Oomph. Their new strategy now installs the whole package on a user-by-user basis in each user's home directory. That means that every individual user can be running differently-installed and mutually incompatible versions of Eclipse. See? Much better.

So essentially the user base gets to choose between two alternatives:
  1. A well-documented, thoroughly understood, and widely used installation system which installs a 5-year old version of Eclipse
  2. A custom install job where the entire software package is installed on a user-by-user basis IN THEIR HOME DIRECTORY. (To be fair,  some of the experts in their forum assure me that MOST of the files can be shared read-only, if you follow some non-published and definitely-not-supported instructions. Golly!)
My conclusion is: politics. Somewhere along the line, someone convinced the Eclipse folks that they needed a new custom install tech, and created Oomph. Now, years later, when Oomph is exactly what no one needs, they just can't bring themselves to admit it and go back to RPM/DEB/PKG world.

Who would've guessed that internal politics would defeat the Open Source choice? Not me!

In the meantime, the user base is left with two profoundly unprofessional alternatives: Run five-year-old software, or run an unmaintainable herd of installations on a per-user basis.

Given the archdemon in Redmond is making noises about deploying Visual Studio to Linux, Eclipse may have just mentally surrendered and is eeking what it can out of whatever days they feel they have left.

Personally, I hope Eclipse  fights the good fight and wins. That said, I think that a lot of corporate (time=money, rather than time=hobby) users are going to prefer a company (even if they have to pay) that would acknowledge the situation as an error, profess embarrassment, and fix it promptly.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Brian Weissman, Paul Pantera, and twenty years of The Deck

I remember the day when Paul Pantera posted to mtg-strategy-l about a deck that some in the northwest were calling "The Deck". It seemed an impossibly pompous name for a particular deck list. Then again, the post was somewhat pretentious itself.

Since that day, and even quite recently, I've seen a bunch of deck lists that purport to be "The Deck", but not from either Paul or Brian. I thought I might post some data from the archives to clarify what was and was not in the earlier versions.

To be fair, the deck list was very fluid at the time - the rules of magic were young. The DCI was just starting to gel as something separate from WoTC. There weren't many rules about how things went on and off the restricted and banned lists, and that made them pretty fluid, with things being added, removed, and re-added relatively often. If you see a list with two Demonic Tutors, and then a later one with four Mind Twists, that could be exactly right.

People now think of The Deck as the quintessential control / card-advantage deck: discard, draw, and counter. That said, Brian's decks before and after the eponymous one, were based on large creatures, counters, and removal.

Early 1994

According to Brian himself in a recent interview with, the following decklist was what he was playing before legends came out, so it represents an early state of The Deck.

Three color Counter-Stompy
Sets available: AL, BT, UL, RV, AN, AQ
4Counterspell1Chaos Orb
4Mahamoti Djinn1Ivory Tower
1Ancestral Recall4Juggernaut
1Time WalkMana
2Control Magic1Sol Ring
Black1Black Lotus
4Mind Twist4Mana Vault
4Disenchant4Underground Sea
4Swords to Plowshares4Library of Alexandria
2Balance2Strip Mine
2Argivian Archaeologist3Scrubland
36 spells, 27 mana (63 cards)

The core of the deck is 8 stompies with evasion potential, blue manipulation, white removal, and Mind Twist.

Blue had gotten way out in front of the rest of the colors with Ancestral Recall, Time Walk and Time Twister, so pretty much everyone was splashing blue for those. This led to what Brian and Paul later referred to as "the presumption of blue".

Trivia: Ancestral Recall was originally going to be a common, part of a group called the Boons, a 3-for-1 effect for each color: White: Healing Salve, Green: Giant Growth, Red: Lightening Bolt, Black: Dark Ritual, Blue: Ancestral Recall. Playtesting seemed to indicate that Ancestral Recall might be overpowered, so it was promoted to a rare, and Unstable Mutation was swapped in as the blue Boon.

Early 1995

Rules changes abound. Library of Alexandria and Mind Twist are restricted. There is discussion about whether Strip Mine should be restricted but it is not. Brian and others recognize the power of Balance and lobby unsuccessfully to restrict or even ban it, but it remains unlisted. Discussions about banning Chaos Orb entirely (because of its difficult mechanics and their impact on play) also do not come to fruition. All these restrictions will later be enacted.

During this period, Legends, The Dark, Fallen Empires, and 4th edition are released. Fallen Empires and 4th edition bring nothing of interest. Legends brings Recall (which is immediately restricted) as well as Mana Drain and Moat. All three will be staples of The Deck for the years to come.

Everyone is playing blue now. Much like "Black Summer" two years later, there is a virtual monoculture. No one is playing much that doesn't include the entire blue restricted list (Ancestral Recall, Timetwister, Time Walk, Recall) as well as Counterspell and Mana Drain. Those that aren't playing blue are building decks specifically tailored to defeat it.

According to Brian himself, this is the next version he played.

Pre-Ice Age
Five color Card Advantage
Sets available: AL, BT, UL, RV, AN, AQ, LG, DK, FE, 4E
4Counterspell1Chaos Orb
4Mana Drain1Jayemdae Tome
1Ancestral Recall2Disrupting Scepter
1Time WalkMana
1Recall1Sol Ring
Black1Black Lotus
1Mind Twist4City of Brass
1Demonic Tutor4Underground Sea
4Disenchant2Volcanic Island
4Swords to Plowshares1Library of Alexandria
2Balance2Strip Mine
2Serra Angel2Scrubland
1Red Elemental Blast
34 spells, 26 mana (60 cards)

Red is splashed exclusively for Red Elemental Blast (there are more in the sideboard, all to stop early blue countermagic and Ancestral Recall) and green exclusively for Regrowth.

The win methods are drastically reduced: two Serra Angels. Someone notes that if you use Tormod's Crypt (often in the sideboard of this deck) at a sufficiently late moment in the game, you can kill someone with Timetwister.

August 1995

Over the next few months, Balance was restricted, and Chaos Orb was banned. The presumption of blue became even more certain. Other major formats were mono-black Juzam/discard and land destruction.

In August 1995, Paul Pantera posted this version on mtg-strategy-l. It was somewhat different. Paul even included a sideboard description, something we don't have for earlier versions. The deck now looked like this:

Five color Card Advantage
Sets available: AL, BT, UL, RV, AN, AQ, LG, DK, FE, 4E, IA
4Mana Drain2Disrupting Scepter2Blood Moon
2Counterspell1Jayemdae Tome2COP: Red
1Ancestral Recall1Ivory Tower2Control Magic
1Time WalkMana2Divine Offering
1Timetwister5Moxes1Disrupting Sceptre
1Recall1Sol Ring1Counterspell
1Braingeyser1Black Lotus1Moat
1Mind Twist4Tundra1Jayemdae Tome
1Demonic Tutor3Plains1Tormod's Crypt
White3City of Brass
4Disenchant2Strip Mine
4Swords to Plowshares2Volcanic Island
2Serra Angel1Underground Sea
Red1Library of Alexandria
2Red Elemental Blast
32 spells, 28 mana (60 cards)

Just days later Brian Weissman posts from his account at netcom,with essentially the same card list.

There are some really quirky things about this deck:
  1. There are two Red Elemental Blasts in the main deck. Blue was so predominant that having two maindeck REBs and sometimes a third one in the sideboard was completely appropriate.
  2. At the time this came out, Ice Age had been released for 3 months, but this version doesn't include a Zuran Orb in the main deck or the sideboard. It's the last published version that doesn't.
  3. This is the only tournament deck I've ever seen with basic land in the sideboard. Apparently land destruction was so harmful to this deck that occasionally you'd want to put in an extra plains.
And it was different from many other decks currently in play:
  1. Braingeyser was added for a third "kill" card: a big Mana Drain could give an even bigger Braingeyser, forcing the opponent to draw out. Other than Millstone, this was a rarely used kill method.
  2. At this time, running 28 mana was considered serious overkill: a lot of tournament decks were running 20-24. Brian was ahead of the curve here, noting that failing to play land on turns 1-4 is often fatal with this particular deck.

Variations on the theme

Patrick Chapin, in a well-researched article, shows a version of the deck containing Mirror Universe as a kill method. At this time, your life totals were checked only when the stack was empty, so you could tap and activate the Mirror Universe, putting the life-swap effect on the stack, and then bring your life to zero (perhaps by tapping a City of Brass). When the stack cleared your opponent had zero life.

Some versions of the deck include one or more Amnesia from The Dark to supplement the discard power lost by the now-restricted Mind Twist.

Ice Age (Later 1995-1996)

Most post-Ice Age versions of The Deck feature a Zuran Orb, and that's how you can tell it's a somewhat later version. Likewise Jester's Mask.

Late in 1995 Brian  posted a Type II deck list featuring a simpler card list. Brian referred to it as a Type II implementation of The Deck.

Type II "The Deck"
Three color Card Advantage
Sets available: AL, BT, UL, RV, AN, AQ, LG, DK, FE, 4E, IA
4Disenchant4Jayemdae Tome4Divine Offering
4Swords to Plowshares1Zuran Orb3Meekstone
4Savannah Lions1Feldon's Cane3Red Elemental Blast
3Serra Angel1Jester's Cap2Pyroclasm
BlueMana3COP: Red
Red4Adarkar Wastes
4Lightning Bolt3City of Brass
3Fireball4Strip Mine
1Pyrotechnics4Mishra's Factory
4Fellwar Stone
 33 spells, 27 mana (60 cards)

It had many adherents (including myself) but never achieved a great deal of success. The card advantage seemingly offered by Deflection was rarely capitalized upon. The Serra / Fireball overlap for win conditions and the comparatively slow action of the tomes and the cap contributed to a diminished pace that kept it out of the top tier.


In 1997 Brian posted a Type-I deck list that he thought could reliably beat The Deck: It was called (by most) The Roc Deck. It returned to the "eight hard-to-stop creatures plus blue manipulation" system from the original pre-legends version. The Juggernaut and Mahamoti Djinn were replaced with Roc of Kher Ridges and Phantom Monster (flying 3/3 creatures for 3R and 3U respectively) along with the usual blue/black support. Oscar tan writes about it here. This deck never really took off, most players preferred some variation of The Zoo, with its undercosted creatures and Black Vises.


Many people have tried to update The Deck to use the whole panoply of blue now available: 4 Force of Will become standard, Morphlings instead of Serras. Mostly these devolve into U/B/... decks chock full of tutors to take the early lead and hold it, rather the opposite of the original slow constriction.

People who use The Deck as a starting point for modern decks start from a position of weakness. The game just isn't the same now: Type I is mostly about dropping a turn 1/2/3 combo and winning before your opponent can drop a 4th land.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Microsoft: Why do some technical people hate it so?

To be clear, I have been an active dis-advocate of Microsoft for a long time, but I do enjoy reading pieces from all points of view.

Recently Scott Hanselman wrote a piece called "Microsoft Killed My Pappy" Scott and I actually have a lot in common so I find his confusion a little disingenuous. It is true that over the years I've heard a lot about Microsoft and why it's so evil, and most of it just doesn't wash. Scott's comments are absolutely right about that: Most of the anti-MS arguments you hear just don't ring true.

He writes:
One person said that he was still mad about the Microsoft Anti-Trust thing. "Hey, 10 years ago Microsoft did this..." That was initiated in 1998 for actions in 1994.
And goes on to say, essentially "Even if there was a bad, anticompetitive, perjuring Microsoft way-back-when, there's nothing to fuss about now".

More data: I have friends who work there, and actually at least one of my old professors does as well. They like it. They have their own office (a rare perq in Silicon Valley), the housing is cheap, the stock options are nice, and their bosses do NOT belong in a Dilbert cartoon. There's much to like at Microsoft. I've been on campus several different times, and it's always made a positive impression. The MS vision of the future, with the model houses and cool tech are definitely inspiring. It's not like good, smart people can't like Microsoft.

That does not, however, mean that there isn't something fundamentally wrong at the company. I think there is, and it's taken me a very long time to be able to articulate it

My first encounter

One of the earliest times I remember having a twinge about Microsoft and sitting down to think about it was regarding the AARD Code.

At this time Microsoft and Digital research had competing (and completely compatible) versions of DOS. Companies could use either one, and all the software running on them worked identically. This was true for the "Win.exe" executable which, back then, was how Windows 1, 2, 3, and 3.1 worked: win.exe was just another DOS application.

The AARD code was a small chunk of machine language written into the windows executable that would detect which version of DOS was running, and if it wasn't MS DOS, it would (occasionally, through a random number generator) put up an error window with a meaningless error message. The user could dismiss it, and everything went along fine.

All the new code did was make a previously perfectly functioning part of Microsoft Windows code work a little less well by throwing up an obscure error message that the user had to clear.

Business-wise, it was brilliant:  System administrators would eventually notice that the error message only happened on DR-DOS boxes, and switch people over to MS-DOS for their windows boxes to cut down on the annoying support calls. Market-share increases, stockholders rejoice!

User-wise, it was awful: It gave the user the impression that the software was not running perfectly, and held up long-running jobs at random places because the user had to hit return to keep the process going, essentially making DR-DOS boxes running big programs to be constantly monitored.

This was a designed and implemented feature. At heart I am a Capitalist: I think it should be OK for competitors to get sneaky with one another, but somehow this was different. I tried to explain what I didn't like to a couple of friends, and they responded as I normally would: "It's a competition thing. It's cool."

But that wasn't what bothered me. Think about the effort required:
  • Someone had to write that code (in assembly language)
  • Someone had to test it exhaustively (it would be bad if it ever flagged a MS DOS installation).
  • They had to set up the flag in the build configuration system, because it was build-time configurable.
  • They had to write (and perhaps translate) the error message, making it just creepy enough to scare people without making it overtly obvious they were slagging a competitor.
  • They had to check that it would be legal. Because when you do something like this to a competitor, and you're as big as MS was even then, you always check with legal.
All in all, that's time from engineering, testing, ops, marketing, and legal departments that went into this one tiny piece of code. Probably half a dozen people plus a manager to get it out the door.

Different context, same thinking: font tech

There came a time, after Jobs left Apple, when there was a sea-change in the computing world. As is well known, Jobs had taken classes in calligraphy at his university, and he often talked about how that informed the ways that the font system of the Mac worked. They were, in apple tradition, beautiful on the screen. I have never owned a mac, but I acknowledge that for the 80s and a lot of the 90s, they were the leader in making fonts look good on a screen.

But then two things changed: Jobs left Apple, and MS poured a ton of money into research and development of subpixel positioning for their graphics engine and antialiasing fonts. The following version of windows was a complete leapfrog of Apple... Microsoft had taken the lead in this field.

And it was cool tech. It went in the rendering engine, not in the font itself, so when the code was run, everything, everywhere, looked great. It was a leap forward for all MS users and it worked for hundreds and hundreds of fonts, regardless of who made the font or what program used them. Almost. In fact, in all but one. One font which, regardless of whether IE, AutoCad, or Netscape Navigator requested it, would remain old-looking.

More research showed that this was entirely intentional: There was a conditional check in the code "If the font requested is such-and-such, do not smooth it". One font. Further checking by the press was that if you took the conditional out, the font smoothed just fine - it wasn't a problem with the algorithm or the font itself. In fact, some people just patched their machines to take the conditional out, and all was well. So why beat up this one font? It was the default serif font for one product: Netscape Navigator.

All the new code did was make a previously perfectly functioning part of Microsoft Windows code work a little less well by making one font among hundreds not render with the new engine.

Business-wise, it was brilliant. People would see, every day, that Netscape looked clunky while everything else looked great. Every day, some people would switch to IE from Netscape just because of eyestrain. Market-share increases, stockholders rejoice!

User-wise, it was awful: If you were someone who had specified that font in a document (say, for a quote in the middle of a Word document) then your entire presentation would look odd on the screen because the fonts were not rendered in the same fashion. In addition, any website that specified that font would render poorly. If you had designed your website using it, and your customer upgraded their OS, your website looked like crap whether it was in IE or Navigator.

As above, it's a change to the operating system: You have to code it, test it, get both code and test cases checked into the build system, and lastly check with legal to make sure you haven't made any promises about treating all fonts equally.

A pattern emerges

The examples I have given are (intentionally) very old, but according to direct experience and first-hand testimony, the mindset lives on:
  • Labor goes in so that a small amount of functionality comes out.

Microsoft is willing to put engineering and labor into things that make the user experience worse in specific and controlled ways. They are willing to take things that always work and turn them into things that don't always work. To most engineers I know, that is extremely offensive. To do it to your own user base in order to enrich yourself may be legally ok but is morally bankrupt.

The (current and continuing) pattern that keeps me from using Microsoft products at all (I have none in my house) is the evil triad:
  1. To increase shareholder value, Microsoft will
  2. engineer something into a worse condition than it started, at the
  3. expense of its own users
The fact that many of their users don't know it's happening (and thus don't care) has got nothing to do with my distaste for this practice. Nor does the fact that it's usually a relatively small burden. In my opinion, it's just wrong. I think a lot of other people feel the same way, even if they can't quite put words to it.

I don't think everyone agrees, nor should they, but Scott's puzzlement may belie a dearth of deeper investigation into the reasons people give, rather than an absence of reasons in the first place.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bitcoin: Why all the excitement?

I am writing this post for two reasons: First, I have been flabbergasted by the amount of just-plain-wrong information being distributed by Bloomberg, Alan Greenspan, and other sources about the nature of bitcoin. Second, because I'm the computer geek, members of my family have asked me about it. This is my response to both issues.

The basic metaphor

There is a worldwide, collective bulletin board where people can post two kinds of messages: transfers and discoveries. This log is shared and replicated (and secured) by hundreds of computers worldwide. It's public information and can't be easily blocked or modified without someone having access to every computer with a copy.

Transfers notes say "I, Jeff, give Kimberly 100 bitcoins". (Well, Jeff and Kimberly are account numbers, but you get the idea)

Discoveries say "I am posting a number which solves {some very very difficult well known mathematical problem} for which I am entitled to 10 bitcoins" (Where "I" is also an account number)

For various reasons, no one can forge either kind of message, or post it to the blog if it is not true. (Very complicated and well researched cryptography makes this possible)

Since the bulletin board is a log, and not a summary, every bitcoin account can be checked for balance by everyone else in the world by just looking up all the transfers in and out of it since the beginning of time (in 2009) You could do it with pencil and paper if you wanted to, just like in college accounting.

Why is this exciting for people?

First, it's anonymous cash. Since addresses are completely anonymous and easy to generate, a real person might have a thousand or more of them as places to which money can be sent and from which it can be spent. Of course you'd need to keep a lot of virtual  checkbooks to do that, but computers are good at things like that. Since all the accounts are effectively anonymous, it means that it's not clear which "checks" in the ledger are between different people, and which ones are just a person transferring money between their accounts.

Second, the maximum number of bitcoins that can be "discovered" is finite: about 21,000,000. This means that there can never be "inflation" in the bitcoin world. No bank can make it worthless by printing more.

Third, since there are no "coins", only "balances", it can't be counterfeited. Anyone who posted a message saying "I transfer 100 bitcoins from account X to account Y" can be ignored if the account X had a balance under 100 coins. Thus, it cannot be counterfeited.

In summary: Anonymity makes it hard to track, tax and regulate. A medium which is proof against both inflation and counterfeiting makes it hard to devalue. These are things which make it very attractive to people.

So there's no downside?

Well, No. There are two potential downsides.

First, there is no country or bank backing up the value of the currency. It's literally worth exactly as much as the average user of the currency is willing to pay. That means its value can go up and down very rapidly in the short term. In the long term its inflation-proof nature will cause it to slowly increase in value over time.

Second, in the modern world, there's almost always some way to reverse a transaction. You can dispute a charge-card charge, you can cancel a check, you could even get a judge to order the vending machine company to give you your quarter back. With bitcoin, all transfers are absolutely and permanently final. There is no "undo" key. Some users see this as an advantage, but others see it as a disadvantage. The expression "caveat emptor" has never been embodied so completely in a medium of exchange than it has in bitcoin.

So there you have it. What it is, why it's exciting, and the downsides. Go forth in wisdom, and teach others!

For the more technically minded or curious: