Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A multiple-choice question for fans of Obamacare/MedicareForAll

Are you hoping Public Health Care turns out like our:
  1. Public Childcare (Foster care)
  2. Public Unemployment (Welfare)
  3. Public Retirement (Social Security)
  4. Public Housing ("The Projects")
  5. Public Schools, or
  6. Public Post
Please consider:
  1. The inceptors, creators, supporters, and employees of each of the above systems will happily tell you: We just need more money and we could do wonders!
  2. The citizenry of the USA show a historically consistent marked unwillingness  to fund large social projects like these to the point where they work as intended, and for that single reason each of the above has become a bottomless money pit that consistently shows up on candidates' Debt and Governmental Waste talking points.
Can you confidently justify starting a similar project at the positively gargantuan scale of Public Health (one SIXTH of our ENTIRE NATIONAL ECONOMY is spent here) and the vast expenditures that just starting it will require based on your faith that
"This time it will be different."